The Parents Association is a structure through which parents/guardians in the school can work together for the best possible education for their children.
We work closely with the principal and the board of management on policy issues and any areas that may require review.
The Parents Association regularly organise fundraisers within the school and help with extra curricular activities when needed. We also organise for guest speakers to attend and discuss any issues or topics that are relevant.
When communion time comes around the Parents Association host tea, coffee and biscuits for the parents, children and even grandparents! We find this is a great opportunity for the children to take a little time to celebrate with their friends.
New members are always welcome and we ask that they come along to the AGM which is usually held in October/November each year. (Parents will be advised beforehand)
The current chair of Scoil Mhuire’s Parents Association is Xanthe McCormick (Xanthe has children in Senior Infants and 2nd class) . If you would like to get in contact please email pa@scoilmhuire.ie
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