10th Mar 2014

Tá súil againn go ndéanfaidh gach duine tréan-iarracht an Ghaeilge a labhairt I rith na seachtaine seo. Beidh a lán gníomhaíocht ar siúl timpeall na scoile.
We hope everyone (parents included) makes a big effort to speak Irish during Seachtain na Gaeilge. During the week we will be acknowledging every aspect of our culture and our heritage and there are lots of activities planned.
The main ones are

De Céadaoin (Wednesday) !1.15: Ceolchoirm (beag) : Páistí ó naoínáin shóisir go rang a dó ag canadh agus ag aithris dánta. Beidh roinnt páistí ag seinm ceoil freisin.
Wed 11.15: Junior Ceolchoirm . Songs, poems and some traditional music. Children from junior infants to 2nd class will take part.

Dé Deardaoin: Céilí Shóisir: 11.15 Naoináin Shóisir go Rang a Dó
Thursday 11.15: Junior Céili (Jun Infants-2nd)
Dé Deardaoin : Céili Shinsir: 1.15 Rang a Tri go rang a Cúig
Thursday 1.15: Senior Céilí with live music (3rd -6th)

Dé hAoine: Tráth na gCeist: 1.15 Rang a trí go rang a sé.

For the Junior Ceolchoirm(concert) on Wednesday and for the Céilís on Thursday, parents are welcome along . We will not be having a ceolchoirm for the seniors this year as they have been very busy with Confirmation practice, Confirmation Choir Practice and Aladdin rehearsals