A couple of weeks ago Kingsley and Iris from 6th class presented the finals of ‘Scoil Mhuire’s Got Talent ‘ to a packed hall! Thirteen acts were selected from the heats, by an organising committee made up of children from 6th class, to compete in the finals. Performances included piano playing, singing, Irish dancing, majorette display and dancing. Well done to Erica, Abby, Diarmaid, Sinead, Carla, Kym, Anna, Lauryn, Cian, Brendan, Juliette & Joanna, Danesi & Khafu and Evita & Jessica for taking part and performing so well.
After the show all the children from the school, from Infants to 6th, were given voting slips and were asked to vote for their favourite act, 6th class collected the votes, counted and recounted them! All of the competitors received votes but Danesi & Khafu were clear winners taking over 100 votes! Jessica & Evita came a close second. Highlights of the show are included in this month’s Scoil Mhuire News.
The second-placed performance from Jessica & Evita and Khafu & Danesi’s winning performances are included in full on Scoil Mhuire TV – click on the links below.
that was great