5th Nov 2018

Have you checked out Scoil Mhuire TV yet? There are over 300 videos now playing that have been filmed, written and produced by pupils of Scoil Mhuire. In the past year we have had over 60,000 views with our total views exceeding 200,000. We were nominated for an Edublog ‘Best Use of Video & Media in Education’ award in 2013. We won a prestigious FIS (Film in School) Award in 2016. So have a look at what you’ve been missing by clicking here.

Here are a few highlights from over the years to get you started:

2012: Together – Our School Anthem

2012: Scoil Mhuire News – May

2013: Ceolchoirm Sinsearach

2013: 1913 Lockout

2014: An Gadaí

2014: Welcome to Scoil Mhuire

2015: The Lego Adventure

2015: The Snowman

2016: 1916 – A Week To Remember

2016: Blood Upon The Cobbles  * FIS Winner

2017: Gymnastics Performance

2017: Murder May!

2018: Senior Infants’ Skipping Show

2018: Scoil Mhuire News – Croke Park Special