- Set up the device in a quiet space with no distractions in the background
- Join the class with your microphone muted
- Raise your hand before speaking, just like you would do in class
- Kind and respectful words to be used at all times – while speaking on camera and if your teacher allows you to use the chatbox. (If this rule is persistently broken the teacher, after consultation with the principal and parents/guardians of the child in question, reserves the right to not invite a child to a future Zoom session)
- Speak in your normal speaking voice. No shouting.
- Listen to others when they are speaking.
- We acknowledge that some children may be uncomfortable using this technology. Please contact the class teacher if this is the case.
- If a child does not join a session, it is not acceptable that another member of the household takes their place – be that a parent or another sibling – this may make the other children at the Zoom session feel uncomfortable.
- For child protection purposes a parent / guardian must be available in the room where the device is set up – this adult does not have to be in the camera frame.
- However, if a small group is meeting, and for whatever reason, due to ‘no-shows’, there may be only one child attending, then we insist on having the parent/guardian being visible at all times.
- Consent for using Zoom is assumed once the parent/guardian logs onto the session having received an email from the teacher.
- For every Zoom session a new meeting ID and password will be generated and this will be emailed by the teacher from his/her school email address to the parent/guardian’s email address which we have on Aladdin.
- It is not permissible for any participant to record or take a screen grab picture of the Zoom session without the permission of all other participants and their parents/guardians.
- Parents, please adjust the settings on the device being used so that you / your child is easily identifiable when in the waiting room – teachers will not admit any waiting person whose identity they cannot verify.
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