12 comments on “Pre-Enrolment Form for Junior Infants 2016

  1. Jennifer Merriman on said:

    I have completed a pre enrolment form for junior infants 2016.
    Do I receive an email confirmation or a phone call to confirm that it has been received?

    kind regards

    • Scoil Mhuire on said:

      It has definitely been received! There is no e-mail or phone call, once you’ve clicked ‘Submit’ we have definitely received it. The school will be in touch once all the applications have been accepted.

  2. Ahmd Chugtai on said:

    Hi, I have submitted pre-enrollment form for junior infants for Anayah Chughtai, just want to see if all ok? and when will we hear back from yourself?

    Best Regards,

  3. Waqar Haider on said:

    I have just completed pre enrollment form for Eshal Haider. Just wanted to check if everything is ok?
    How will i hear from you if we ll get a place?

    Thank you


    • Scoil Mhuire on said:

      Hi Waqar,

      I think once pre-enrolment is closed the office will be in touch. However if you email Marie, our secretary, at office@scoilmhuire.ie she should be able to give you more concrete information.


  4. Gill Devereux on said:

    Hi There, I am just wondering when parents will hear about their application for Junior Infants 2016? Many Thanks, Gill

  5. Catherine Mahon on said:

    Hi all,

    Is there a date when parents can expect to hear back in relation to enrollment for Junior Infants 2016?
    Many thanks in advance

  6. Ann O'Neill on said:

    Hi I was wondering if it’s possible to fill out a pre enrollment for my dAuchterarder. She’s 4 months but it has been advised to put her name down for pre enrollment list. Many thanks for your help

    • Ann O'Neill on said:

      Sorry that should have read daughter

      • Kerri Leonard on said:

        Hi Anne,
        We only do pre enrollment from the October before the year the child is due to start school.
        So this October we are taking names of children who are due to start school September 2017.
        Kerri Leonard.

  7. Janine Key on said:


    I am wondering what the cut off age is for enrollment for September 2017,ie. What date they have to be four before?
    Thanks a million
    Warm Regards
    Janine Kelly