The PA AGM was held on 9th October and there was a great turn out. Mr Des Newton from Adamstown Community College was our guest speaker this year and spoke about the transition of students from primary to secondary school. He also did a power point presentation and the information was very helpful and informative.
Our annual Table Quiz will be held on Friday 22nd November in Kenny’s Pub, LucanVillage at 8.30pm. This is our major fundraising event of the year and all your support is needed and greatly appreciated. It promises to be a great night and is an ideal way to meet parents in a social setting. Table of 4 people is €20 so why not gather a group together and see how well you do! A raffle will also be held on the night with the chance to win some great prizes alongside the ever popular “HOME WORK PASSES”.
The Christmas cake sale will be held on 6th December from 9am to 2.30pm with tea and coffee being served from 9am to 10.30am and 1pm to 2.30pm we would be delighted if you would come and join us. We will also have a book stall and if anybody wishes to donate unwanted books please contact Katie 087 9291414 or Michelle 086 1505695
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