7th Jan 2012

In December 2011, Mr. Roche’s 5th Class were presented with a challenge: Make a PhotoStory movie for the Junior classes that illustrates a true meaning of Christmas.

The class were placed into groups, researched and decided what they felt the most important parts of Christmas were. As a group they planned, wrote and illustrated a story.

The children then had to record that story into a movie using MS PhotoStory, which is free to download here. After that the children presented their story to the Junior classes. Here are the finished movies – hope you enjoy them!!

by Aoife, Brent, Jack C & Jonathan

by Alex K, Carla, Colin & Liam

by Eyum, Jack F, Kingsley & Lachlan

by Alex Z, Eoin & Rian

by Haashim, Idanesi, Jack B & Sophie

by Dylan, Ishaan, Sean & Zofia


6 comments on “Our Christmas Movies!

  1. kingsley on said:

    thanks teacher for letting us to make does movies they were really fun.
    P.S who ever in my class seen this comment my movie is the best and aoife if you see this yes ming is the best.

  2. i dont think so kingsley MINE is the BESTEVER!!!!!!


  4. kingsley on said:

    no aoife or rian mine is the best and no more replays mine is the best even teacher knows.

    • SURE!!! obhiously teacher likes ME more isn’t that right teacher ?
      i wonder did i spell obhiously right ? mr. roche did i ?

  5. kingsley on said:

    teacher tell me,rian and aoife who has the best movie and aoife if he says mine well well i don’t know but i will think of something. PLEASE TEACHER REPLY TO US.