19th Oct 2011

Parents’ Association AGM

   The AGM of the Parents’ Association will be held in the school on Tuesday 25th October at

8.00 p.m.  All are welcome.  In particular we welcome parents of children who have recently begun attending Scoil Mhuire.  The Parents’ Association plays an active part in renewing policies and providing funding and support to the school.  At the AGM, nominations will be taken for membership of the Board of Management whose new 4-year terms begins on 1st December.  Mr Jack Butler, Chairperson will give a brief outline of the current state of play in relation to the new building.

Board of Management

As the current 4-year cycle of the Board of Management nears its conclusion, I would like to on behalf of all pupils, parents, and staff to express my sincere appreciation to the following outgoing Board Members who have given up their time to serve for the past 4 years. 

Mr Jack Butler (Chairperson),

Mrs Susan Nolan (Recording Secretary),

Mr Niall Kelly(Treasurer)

Mr Chris Bolger

Mr John Egan

Mrs Sedina Kuljancic

The Board of Management comprises of eight members.  2 Patron’s Nominees, 2 Parents, 2 Teachers (Principal & one other), 2 Community representatives.

Nominations for election to the Board of Management will be taken at the Parents’ Association AGM on Tuesday 25th October.  Alternatively you may complete the form below and return it to Marie on or before Monday 24th October.  Ballot Papers will be issued to each parent/guardian in November.  The new Board will commence its 4 year term on 1st December

Behaviour in the Playground before 8.50 a.m.

It has been brought to our attention that children are not observing school rules in the playground in the morning before school begins.  The playground is a busy place with over 400 children and may parents assembling in a confined area.  Running around/ ball playing etc is not permitted for health & safety reasons.  I would ask all parents who are waiting with younger children to keep them supervised in their line until the bell sounds at 8.50 a.m. and the teacher arrives to collect.

Healthy Lunch Policy

We operate a Healthy Lunch Policy in the school.  Fizzy drinks, Crisps, sweets are no allowed.  Children are allowed one treat on Wednesdays.  A small number of children are exceeding their quota. Please help us to maintain the health of our children by adhering to the policy. 

More information suggestions for Healthy Lunch boxes is available at www.safefood.eu/en/publication/consumer-information/healthy-lunchboxes/

Labelling/Lost Property

The chances of returning lost property are greatly increased if items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.  Please ensure jumpers, cardigans, P.E. tops, coats etc are labelledPlease speak to Marie regarding items of lost property.

Medical Matters.

Children in Senior Infants & 6th classes will receive vision tests this term.  Information & consent forms have been distributed to parents.  Please return the form to the class teacher whether or not you give your consent.  Dates for the hearing tests have not been advised by the H.S.E.


11.00 a.m. Thursday, 8th March


Confirmation in St Patrick’s Church  Esker
10.00a.m.Saturday, 12th May First Holy Communion in St Patrick’s Church Esker


Presidential Election

Scoil Mhuire will be used as a polling station for the presidential election.  The school will close for classes on Thursday 27th October.  It will re-open for classes on Friday 28th.

Halloween Midterm 

School will be closed from Monday 31st October to Friday 4th November (inclusive)

Army No 1 Band Visit

The Army No 1 Band will be in the school on Tuesday 29th November to perform with and for the children.  The children are currently busy practicing the tunes on their recorders so we ask parents to be as encouraging (and patient!!) as possible.  Unfortunately, on the day of the Band’s visit, we will not be able to accommodate an audience, as space will be of a premium.  However we hope to record the concert/performance so that you may get a chance to hear it at a later date.

Poetry Book

We are currently in the process of compiling a book of poetry which we are hoping to have published before Christmas.  We hope to include a piece of poetry from every child in the school.  If there are any parents/grandparents out there who would like to submit a poem we would be delighted to hear from you.  Please submit your piece before Halloween (typed or handwritten) with your name included.  We cannot guarantee that every submission will be published but we welcome all budding poets.

Chaplain’s News.

On two successive Wednesdays, we had our annual Mass for the beginning of the school year, followed by our Annual Inter-Faith Service.  Both ceremonies were co-ordinated by Colette and featured lovely singing by the children.   On Thursday, 8th December, Mass will be celebrated for the pupils and staff in the school hall at 11.15 a.m. The celebrant will be Fr. Eoin Thynne.


We hope to re-establish the Rainbows programme in the school shortly.  Rainbows is a voluntary organisation which offers support and guidance to children and young people who are suffering a significant loss in their lives.  The programme will take place in the school and anybody interested should contact the school.  If you are not familiar with the programme or if you would like to find out more about it, you could checkout the website www.rainbowsireland.com

Child Protection Policy

New Child Protection guidelines are now in place and were discussed at our recent staff meeting.  Details will be available on our website shortly www.scoilmhuire.ie

Parents’ Association Christmas Shoebox Appeal. 

The Parents’ Association is once again helping to organise the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal.   Leaflets will be distributed to all children this week.  Please ensure that boxes are returned to the school before Friday 11th November.


In November, the children will be taking part in a gymnastics programme as part of the PE Curriculum.  This will take place during school time.  Your child’s PE timetable may be changed while the gymnastics programme is ongoing.  He/She will be informed in advance.  The Gymnastics lessons will be conducted by qualified instructors, assisted by the class teacher and will last for 4-6 weeks.

This is being funded by the profits made from our recent GAA forecast competition, the results of which are on our website.