30th May 2016

On Tuesday last Scoil Mhuire was transformed into Tinseltown as our school hall premiered not one but two films about 1916. The red carpet was rolled out (a real red carpet!) and the snacks were laid on! Holly & Killian introduced the 4th/5th class movie to the audience and Conor and Ana introduced the 6th class movie to the waiting crowd. Both films were really well received and everyone had a great night. There are some photos below along with a few of Ms Dillon’s class making their movie.

Both films are playing now on Scoil Mhuire TV – have a look if you haven’t had the chance yet! Or at the top of the home page you can see a short trailer.

If you would like to download a copy of ‘Blood Upon The Cobbles’ click on this link (https://vimeo.com/167786762), scroll down the page slightly and then click ‘Download’.

If you would like to download a copy of ‘1916: A Week To Remember’ click on this link (https://vimeo.com/168626298), scroll down the page slightly and then click ‘Download’.

If you want to get a copy of either film on DVD, please leave a comment at the bottom of this page and I’ll put a copy onto DVD for you.