At the beginning of every school year some children are unsure of our rule around mobile phones. Below I have outlined our position.
- Children in Scoil Mhuire are not permitted to have a mobile phone with them in school.
- This rule was made in agreement with the Parents’ Association.
- Teachers should not be responsible for a child’s phone.
- If your child’s mobile phone goes off on the school premises or they are seen with the phone on the school premises it will be confiscated. The phone can be retrieved by a parent/guardian of the child.
- These regulations are similar to what you and your child will experience in secondary school.
- The reasons for the rules are as follows;
- A mobile phone is a valuable item and Scoil Mhuire should not be responsible for it.
- To protect children and staff against any potential invasions of personal privacy or cyber bullying e.g. being recorded or photographed without knowledge.
- If you need to make contact with your child during the school day you can ring the office on 6240203.
- And vice versa, if we need to contact you during the day we can ring you.
Thank you for reading this.
John Egan
September 2nd, 2015
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