I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for twenty seven and a half wonderful, memorable years in Scoil Mhuire. My memories of my time in Lucan are all positive ones. I feel blessed to have chosen teaching as my career. I also feel blessed that fate took me to Lucan in January 1989. I have met so many decent, honourable, genuine people through my involvement with Scoil Mhuire and my life has been greatly enhanced as a result.
While my last week in Scoil Mhuire was tinged with sadness, I was overwhelmed by the expressions of goodwill, the generosity of your kind words and gifts. I was completely caught by surprise by my final send-off. It was moving and uplifting and showed that the staff and children of Scoil Mhuire are well able to organise things when Mr Ellis is not around!
I leave behind a school with unlimited potential and I wish all of you and your families the very best for the future.
With best regards,
Noel Ellis