For Maths Week, which took place last week, Mr. Roche’s 5th class undertook a different Maths activity each day.


The class was split into teams of 3 and we sent around to different stations in the class to try to solve some puzzles that were quite tricky!


The class looked at videos of some pop bands performing their songs but with different lyrics. The new lyrics were Maths problems that we had to try and solve.


We went outside with some balls, racquets and trundle wheels! We had a competition to see who had the longest throw, kick and hit in our class. We had to measure each throw, kick and hit with the trundle wheels and record the answers.

The longest throw in the class belongs to:

1) Dylan 23.02m

2) Liam 21.35m

3) Sophie 21.15m

The longest kick in the class belongs to:

1) Dylan 59.15m (although it took a very fortunate bounce!)

2) Kingsley 49.99m

3) Liam 46.4m

The longest hit, which was a small ball hit with a tennis racquet, belongs to:

1) Alex Z 30.8m

2) Idanesi 29.6m

3) Seán 29m


On Thursday we played some Maths computer games on the website They were really fun!


On Friday we ran a mock Presidential election. We had to bring classes up to vote. Then count the votes and transfer them properly. Michael D. Higgins was the winner.

You can see some pictures of our Maths Weeks activites and you can watch a video that contains a Maths problem!


3 comments on “Maths Week – 5th Class Style!

  1. that was fun

  2. yep im wiv you there kings

  3. kingsley on said:
