15th Nov 2016

Scoil Mhuire will be taking part in the FIS (Film in Schools) Awards in the Helix tomorrow afternoon. Our short film ‘The Betrayal of Eoin MacNeill’ which was made by students from Ms Brady’s 6th class last year, has been nominated for an award. This 5 minute film was part of a longer 1916 film written and produced by the students and is available for viewing here.

The Awards show will be live streamed from the Helix from 12.20 tomorrow and you can catch all the action as it happens and find out more about FIS from the following link: http://www.fisfilmproject.ie/

You can get a sneak preview of ‘The Betrayal of Eoin MacNeill’ below and it’s also playing now on Scoil Mhuire TV

Scoil Mhuire – The Betrayal of Eoin MacNeil from FIS IADT on Vimeo.