There will be no lining up in the yard. So after your child has entered the school grounds between 8.45am and 9am they will go directly to their classroom. Out of the 17 classes returning in September, 10 classes will be in the classsroom they left in March, but for the other 7 classes there will be 12 staff members available to direct them if they go astray. Their class teacher will also be at the classroom door to keep an eye on corridors. and 13 of the classes have the same teacher, so they will know who to look out for on the first morning.

Below are photographs of the entry points and in the caption for each photo the classes allocated to each door will be mentioned.

The three Junior Infants’ classes (Ms Jones , Ms Brady, and Ms Reilly) will enter by this door (A).
The two Senior Infants’ classes (Ms Burns and Ms Walshe) will enter by this door (B) each morning. This is what we would have called ‘the Wombles door’ in the last few years.
Mr Egan’s 3rd class will enter by this door (C), along with the two 1st classes – Ms Geary and Ms Mulhern. The 1st classes might be unsure of their rooms, but we will have staff on hand to direct them.
The three 2nd classes (Ms Whittle, Ms Morris and Ms Greco) will enter by this door (D). Each of these classes are returning to the same room, so this door is very familiar to them all.
Both 6th classes, Ms Whitty’s 5th class and Ms McStay’s 4th class will enter by this door (E). All of these classes are returning to their same room.
Ms Fealy’s (Ms Nugent for Sept) 3rd class, Ms Smyth’s 4th class and Mr Ryan’s 5th class will enter by this door (F). We have never used this door before for general use, and the three classes are also changing classrooms. Consequently, there will be staff closely monitoring this door and the stairwell. All three classes will continue up the stairs to the upper floor.
Ms Ahern’s ASD class and Ms Mulconry’s ASD class will enter by this door (H). The Wombles Pre-School will also use this door.
In the mornings the children will walk along the outside lanes to their classroom. The middle lane will be empty. This will keep children from different classes or bubbles from being too close together. These lanes will also help us get the children out to the yard safely at breaks

There will be hand sanitization points just inside the pedestrian gates, at the doors to the school and outside every classroom.

In the next week or two please show these pictures to your children, and let them familiarize themselves with their pedestrian gate and door to the school – a number and a letter. Knowing the children, I am confident that it will be second nature to them all by the end of the first week.

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