The main rationale behind our protocols for going home time is to limit the congregating or gathering of people on the yard. Logistically, this was the most difficult ‘nut to crack’, but we hope that with your co-operation and patience we will get a system up and running after a week or two.


The Senior and Junior Infants’ classes will go home at their usual time of 1.30pm. However for the first 2 weeks the Junior Infants’ day will be shorter, and a separate communication will be made to them about that.

Parents will be permitted onto the school grounds to collect their children from the infants’ classes at 1.30pm, but we will ask you to;

a) please wear a mask

b) stand at a social distance of 2 metres apart from other adults not from your household

c) gather at a specific area, which we will indicate to you on the first day.

d) and depending on the specific area you’re allocated, we will request that you exit the school grounds by a designated gate immediately after your child is released to you by the teacher.


Again, they can be collected by parents in the yard, but at a slightly earlier time than usual – 2.20pm.

Like above we will ask you to wear a mask, stand in a specific area socially distant, and then leave the yard immediately with your child by a designated gate.

If you are collecting an older child from 3rd or 4th we will allocate ‘a waiting area’ in the yard for the first fortnight, but after that we will expect all older siblings to leave the school premises and have a pre-arranged meeting point with a minder / parent.


  • They will leave the school at 2.40pm.
  • They will be expected to leave the school grounds on their own.
  • However, until Sept 11th you (as parent / minder) can come onto the school grounds to collect them.
  • And if you have already collected a younger child from 1st/2nd class at 2.20pm there will be a designated waiting area for you.
  • But this practice will cease from Sept 13 on.


  • These classes will leave the school at 2.30pm.
  • This is to facilitate older siblings from these classes who might be collecting younger children from 1st / 2nd, who will have been waiting the few minutes since they have been let out.
  • The older sibling from 5th / 6th can also hang on a few minutes to collect someone from 3rd or 4th who will be let out at 2.40pm.

At all times if there are people waiting to collect children, be they parents, minders or older siblings, we will ask them to wait in a designated area at a social distance of 2 metres from each other, and leave the yard immediately after collecting their child /sibling.

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