The school’s boys’ senior football team will get their season up and running on Thursday next ,September 10th when they play St Attractas in Broadford at 3pm.
Then on Friday we will take part in the annual Lucan Sarsfields blitz in the 12th Lock at 3pm.
The squad will be finalised on Monday and there will be more detailed information about next week’s fixtures. We will be asking for parental support in relation to providing transport to and from the games, which will run through September and October.
Boys in 5th/6th class who wish to take part in a second trial should wear in their PE gear on Monday. There will be a trial after school on Monday 7th finishing at 3.30pm.
While next week is a particularly busy week , the following weeks will only involve one day per week for games (Thursdays). Training will take place during lunch break.
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