On Tuesday last, 11th June, Scoil Mhuire’s camogie team won the Corn Nuri, the first ever camogie cup in the school’s history, with a scoreline of 7-7 to a point. The girls have put a lot of time and effort into training the past few months and it all paid off as Gaelscoil na Camóige were blown away by Scoil Mhuire’s talent.
From number 1-20 the Scoil Mhuire girls played outstanding. The team had fantastic joint captains, Erin Cooper and Mia Farrell, who led by example. There was nothing getting past goalkeeper Sophie Rankin as she pulled off saves not only with her hurley but with many of her body parts too! When Orla Dunne went into goals in the second half she too pulled off a fine save. Ellen Eakins was a powerhouse at fullback and was ably assisted on either side by Jennifer Walsh and Sarah Lawal. Sarah, who moved to Scoil Mhuire from Scotland this year and had never even heard of camogie before, was a fantastic addition to the team. She proves what can be done with a good attitude and lots of practice. Sadhbh Porter, Erin Cooper and Orla Dunne combined to form a half back line that was fierce. A coach would be a long time searching to find trio better than this one.
In midfield, Mia Farrell and Tegan Kelleher were a dangerous partnership. Between them they covered every blade of grass on the pitch with Tegan producing her performance of the season. Mia showed great class, demonstrating why she has been selected for the Dublin development squad. You can see her in action on Tuesday’s RTE’s News2day (- the short clip can be found at the end of the photos).
The half forward line were any defenders worst nightmare as between them, Maeve Ruddy, Emma Hickey and Amy Murray scored 4-5. Gaelscoil na Camóige’s full back line had a hard time clearing any ball as Sarah Heffernan, Lily Dunne and Ava Heffernan didn’t give them a moments peace. Our subs, Alana Light, Courtney Dowdall Boylan, Katie O’Connor, Tara Fogarty and Divine Odia were so good that the referee didn’t believe we had used any!
The girls should be extremely proud of their achievement and how they represented Scoil Mhuire.
Team: Sophie Rankin, Sarah Lawal, Ellen Eakins, Jennifer Walsh, Sadhbh Porter, Erin Cooper (capt) (0-1), Orla Dunne, Mia Farrell (capt) (1-1), Tegan Kelleher (1-0), Maeve Ruddy (2-0), Emma Hickey (1-5), Amy Murray (1-0), Sarah Heffernan, Lily Dunne, Ava Heffernan, Alana Light, Courtney Dowdall Boylan, Katie O’Connor, Tara Fogarty (1-0), Divine Odia.
Many thanks to all the Mams, Dads, and extended families who came to support on the day and who have been on the sideline all year cheering on the girls, washing gear, offering lifts to matches. It is all very much appreciated.
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