26th Nov 2015

We have now reached the quarter final stage of our Countdown competition for 6th class. Excitement is mounting as we wait to see who will take over from Ciara Fleming as Scoil Mhuire Countdown champion. Quarter finals and semi-finals will be held after school this week and next week and the final will be held in front of a live audience during school time in early December. We hope to have Scoil Mhuire TV on location to capture some of the atmosphere.


Quarter Final Line -Up

Thursday November 26th

2.35pm:    (A) Luke Cahill v Diarmuid Keher

3.05pm:(B) Tomás Roche v Conor Cooper


Tuesday December 1st:

2.35pm: (C) Caitlyn Carey v Evan Wynne

3.05 pm: (D) Emily Kavanagh v Frances Winter


Thursday December 3rd

2.35pm:(A) Luke Cahill v Diarmuid Keher (postponed last week)



Tuesday December 8th

2.35pm: Winner A v Winner B

3.05pm: Winner C v Frances Winter


Thursday December 10th

1.30pm: A/B v C/D