Category Archives: Physical Education
Ms. Carthy’s junior infants were having great fun in PE this week learning how to dance and I’m told they were all brilliant! They were in good hands too as Ms. Carthy is a dance teacher also. Well done everyone!
Ms. McCloskey’s 2nd class have been busy learning the skills of basketball by playing bench ball. This is a fun game where one child on each team acts as the basketball net by standing on a bench. The goal is […]
Ms. Gilmartin’s 1st class were taking advantage of the good weather this week by having their PE lesson outdoors. The children had great fun in the sun and they started off with a few warm up games followed by practising […]
Before Christmas Ms. Brady’s class were learning the skills of gaelic football with Dave Moran (Lucan Sarsfields GPO). Recently the children were practising the steps to their céilí dance which they performed excellently at the céilí during Seachtain na Gaeilge. […]
Seachtain na Gaeilge saw the children of Scoil Mhuire taking part in many new activities but one of the old traditions in the school is the céilí! This year we had a the junior céilí on Thursday March 14th and […]
Our latest dance of the month is “Cheerleader”. Classes will perform the dance once a week on yard between now and Easter. Ms. Carthy’s junior infants can be seen practising the dance below. Here is the link to the video […]
If you have been to the gaelteacht you will definitely recognise the song “An Dreoilín” (The Wren). Ms. Geary was busy teaching the 6th class children the dance which accompanies the song and in turn 6th class taught the rest […]
Recently, Ms Burns’s Senior Infants class held a wonderful skipping show! They performed a brilliant skipping routine to ‘Uptown Funk’, which is now playing on Scoil Mhuire TV. Just click the link below to view! Senior Infants Skipping Show
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