Category Archives: 2nd Class
This week’s stars of the week are: Sam, Elice, Ruby, Niamh, Katelyn, Angelina, Jack and Ernest. Well done girls and boys, keep up the good work!
This weeks stars of the week are: Kevin, Tommy, Harry, Tegan, Amy, Eabha, Katelyn and Aoife
This week we had lots of work to do especially as Ms Burns is leaving. We are sad. She was a very good teacher and came up with brilliant ideas. Now let’s get on with our news for what we […]
Star of the Week Certificates were awarded to Junior Infants – TADHG for being good in the line. LEWIS for good skipping on the yard. Senior Infants – NOAH is always on time, polite & works hard in class. MIA […]
We read a story about a Blue Whale. He is the largest mammal. We learned about mammals. Mammals have hair or fur, they are warm blooded, they give birth to their babies and they feed their babies milk. We did […]
A video showing the full performance from each class at our recent ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge’ senior classes concert has just been added to Scoil Mhuire TV. Click the links below to view Scoil Mhuire TV – Senior Concert Edited highlights […]
My granddad came into school on Monday to tell the class about his swimming and diving. He brought in his knife. He told the class about when he saw sharks and when he swam the Irish Sea and the River […]
Yesterday we had a great day in school. It was “Bring and Show” day. All the boys and girls in Ms Burns’ class brought in an item from home and told the class all about it. They also answered questions […]
Ceremony of Light (for Confirmation candidates) 7.30pm, Feb 28 Confirmation 11am, March 7th Sacrament of Penance (First Confession) 7.30pm, Mar 21 First Communion 11am, May 25th – there will be refreshments and music laid on by the Parents Association in […]
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