Scoil Mhuire girls togged out for their first match of the season against Diswellstown on Wednesday last, March 19th. Scoil Mhuire began with a strong wind behind them and were leading by a point at half time. Throughout the second half Scoil Mhuire continued to lead despite playing against the wind. Unfortunately a few scores in quick succession gave Diswellstown the lead and the game finished on a scoreline of 1-3 to 1-1 in favour of Diswellstown.
Although the result may not have gone in our favour the girls can take a lot from the match. They played fantastically. The skill level has seen a dramatic improvement and Scoil Mhuire could not be found wanting for heart and determination.
The team lined out as:
Sinead Keogh, Erris Smith, Isabella Fay, Carla Wynne, Chi Chi Ubaekwe, Naomi Sebastien, Eva Bell, Erica O’Reilly, Aoibheann Higgins (Captain), Katie Wisdom, Ellie Wisdom, Amy Murphy, Ciara Flemming. Subs Erin Byrne, Abigale Domfe
Training Tuesday after school at 2.30pm for the whole panel.
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