Scoil Mhuire Cake Sale – Friday 21st June
The Cake Sale is on in the School Hall this Friday 21st , June from 9.00 a.m. to lunchtime. Tea /coffee will be served from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. Pop in for a coffee, a cake and a chat.
The children will be allowed into the hall during the morning to buy cakes. We would ask that the children bring in no more than €2.
We are looking for donations towards the cake sale. If you can send in any cakes, buns etc with your child on Friday morning we would greatly appreciate it.
Please mark all containers with your child’s name & class so they can be returned to them. Thank you for all your support.
Scoil Mhuire Parents’ Association
mm cakes 😛
chocolate cakes yummy 😉
I love dog food buns!!! I love my lobster!!!
seriousy abby or kieran or iris
it was ????? anyway i am a friend of someone in this school in mr.roche’s class. im in Scoil Aine
Im not hinda!!! try to guess me. I didnt do that txt hinda sent, i mean me!!! From **********
i bet that is abby im the real hinda
I wish they had Scooby snacks at the bake sale #sad
I just ate my turtle john </3
abby im gona kill u
whos abby im hinda mohammed
the cake sale was yummy but they ran out of cat poo
Eat my shorts John. OH wait??? He’s was aten