Dear parents,
The developer has informed me that due to necessary excavation work along the boundary fence of Scoil Mhuire, the existing hoarding will be moved out to the edge of the footpath (as far as the grass verge).
This means that the footpath will be out of use. This is the path in Airlie Heights along the boundary of Scoil Mhuire. Please be aware of this if your child’s regular route to or from school would have been on this path. They must now cross the road to walk on a footpath.
I appreciate your continuing patience and flexibility while the building project is ongoing.
I have been informed that the extension should be ready for 10 classes to move into some time in the last term – possibly May, and then Phase 2 (renovating the existing school, removal of remaining prefabs and extension of 3 rooms to the back of the existing school) will begin.
This final phase is to finish in January 2014.
Yours sincerely,
John Egan
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