Week 4 and it was the penultimate round of fixtures. Surprise result was the shock defeat of the previously unbeaten Forever 21 by a very determined Basket Boys team. Flying Duffmen had a good win over Our Names are Jeff, while Hyper Baskets battled their way to a well deserved draw with You Mad Bro, in the absence of their inspirational captain Aaron Fitzpatrick.
In the Girls’ league Trouble Makers beat Seven Musketeers and Doughnuts beat Jammy Dodgers.

MVP’s were:





2.35 Jammy  Dodgers v Dribbling Divas GIRLS
2.45 Flying Duffmen v You Mad Bro BOYS
2.55 Doughnuts v Seven Musketeers GIRLS
3.05 Forever 21 v Hyper Baskets BOYS
3.15 Our Names are Jeff v Basket Boys BOYS

Trouble Makers idle