This week, each child from 2nd to 6th will bring home a forecast sheet in conjunction with our annual All-Ireland football final competition. Each year we give people the opportunity of predicting the correct score in the big match at a cost of €2. Unfortunately there will be no Dublin involvement this year. Nonetheless, taking part in our competition will give everybody an interest in the outcome and will also give people the chance to win some money. Details of the competition are on the sheet. We ask children from 2nd to 6th class to try their best to encourage family members, relations and friends to take part. There will be a raffle in each class for every child who returns a sheet (regardless of how many lines are filled). One sheet per family is fine . All proceeds after prizes have been given out, go towards funding an extra initiative in the area of sport and PE . Last year, the children participated in a 5 week dance programme. Two years ago, we organised a skipping programme and in 2011 we hired a gymnastics coach for an 8 week programme This year we hope to erect basketball goals in one or two of our play areas at the back of the school.
Sheets should be returned to the school on or before Friday, September 19th.
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