Rehearsals have come to a close, seating is in, microphones have arrived and the band have broken up amid internal rancour (only joking about the last one!). The week of our 6th school musical (Aladdin) is upon us. On Monday we will have a dress rehearsal so please ensure that the children come to the school with their costumes. Also on Monday we will begin selling our professionally produced Aladdin Programme. The programme was designed, developed and produced as part of a “Bí Ghnóthach” business project by the children of Mr. Roche’s 6th class. A huge thanks goes to Paul Mulcahy (father of Kym who features as a Narrator in the show) for printing the programme for us.
This programme will be available either in the lobby of the school or just outside (weather depending) every morning and afternoon next week. It costs €5 but when you see it I’m sure you’ll agree it’s money well spent. Programmes will also be available to buy each night and day of the show. All proceeds from the sale of the programme goes towards funding the cost of the musical.
A special thanks goes to the Scoil Mhuire Mammies! who have been camped out in the school sewing material together to make trousers and to cover tables and stalls. There are photos below of some of the preparations and of the programme.
Enjoy the show!
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