8th May 2014

The DVD of our recent school musical Aladdin is available now! It is available in two forms. You can buy the DVD on its own for €10 or you can buy it as part of a limited edition set that contains the programme of the event (written and produced by Mr. Roche’s 6th class) and an Aladdin stationery set (developed by Ms Morgan’s 6th class) for €15. There are only a limited number of these available. You order and pay for the DVD online now on our digital school shop for either delivery (extra charge!) or for school pickup (no extra charge). So beat the rush and get shopping now!! You need to set up a PayPal account in order to use the school shop. Paypal is a very secure method of paying for goods online. A special clip / trailer of the DVD is now playing on Scoil Mhuire TV, check it out by clicking the link below!

Aladdin Highlights Clip

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