June has been a very busy month here in Scoil Mhuire and last week was no different. ‘Active Schools Week’ started off with ‘Wake Up Shake Up’ on Monday morning. The children dropped their bags in their classrooms and made their way down to the yard where they followed the lead of Ms. Carthy and The Active Schools’ Committee. They did star jumps, high knees, squats, lunges, air punches etc. This continued every morning for the week and we even added a dance on Friday. The children danced to “I Gotta Feeling” and they looked like they were having so much fun that even some teachers and parents joined in.
We were due to have our Sports’ Days last week however we had to re-schedule due to the weather conditions. Junior infants to third class had their Sports Day on Monday and fourth to sixth class had theirs on Tuesday.
The children took part in the following six activities: Soccer, Basketball, Dance, Tug O’ War, Novelty Races and Tag Rugby/Parachute Games. The children had great fun and their behaviour was excellent.
Ms. Carthy’s brother, John Brian, was also in last week to do a fundamental skills workshop with the younger classes. Again, the children loved this and John Brian was really impressed with how good the children were.
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