Find Us!

Scoil Mhuire is located on Woodview Heights and Airlie Heights, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 KP94.

GPS (Sat Nav) Co-ordinates: N:53.35762 degrees W: 6.50491 degrees or N:53d 21m 27.4s W:6d 30m 17.7s


From City Centre: Take the N4 out from the city (signposted West/Galway/Sligo). Take exit 4a, signposted for Dodsborough and take a left at the T junction. At the traffic lights turn right into Woodview Heights and continue for about 1 km and the school will be visible on your right.

From Maynooth/West: Take the M4/N4 city bound and take Exit 4a signposted for Lucan & Dodsborough. At the T junction take the right. At the roundabout go left (your only option!) and follow the road to the traffic lights. Take a right at the lights into Woodview Heights and continue for about 1 km. The school will be visible on your right.

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3 comments on “Find Us!

  1. Omena Ighovojah on said:

    Hello, my name is Omena Ighovojah and I’m a student studying Psychology at Blackrock Further Institute of Education and
    would like to apply for a place of work experience at your primary school as it think it would be benifical ..
    Currently at present I study Psychology, child development, Behavioural Studies, Human Growth, Criminology, Statistics Communications and Work Experience as part of my modules on the Psychology course.When I finish this course I would hope to further my education studying Psychology as an Undergraduate degree

    • Scoil Mhuire on said:

      Hi Omena,

      In order to contact the school office, you need to send an e-mail to or complete the contact form on our homepage. This function merely leaves a comment on the web page and will not be seen by anyone in charge! Thanks, Peter